Why Adding Aftermarket Parts To Your Motorcycle Is A Smart Idea

If you’ve recently purchased a motorcycle, odds are you’ve heard of the running debate between strictly owning a stock motorcycle or getting a few aftermarket parts added to it. This has been argued from both sides for some time now, with both perspectives having some valuable points worth considering. Still, despite some legitimate considerations that may come with outfitting your bike with aftermarket parts, you may be surprised that the benefits far outweigh the potential costs.
What Are Aftermarket Parts?
Aftermarket parts are third-party manufactured parts for a motorcycle that is separate from the stock model brand. Aftermarket parts offer motorcycle enthusiasts a way to replace certain parts for cheap or to add additional levels of customization to their motorcycle so that it becomes a greater showcasing of personalization for them.
There are a variety of different types of aftermarket motorcycle parts that are otherwise not available for stock motorcycles. Things, such as luggage carriers, saddlebags, and other fun accessories are offered by companies. These additions not only give you a greater level of customization over how your motorcycle looks but, depending on the addition, may also grant additional features that would otherwise not be available.
Why You Should Consider Aftermarket Parts For Your Motorcycle
If you have recently purchased a motorcycle, you may be wondering if aftermarket parts are worth the added expense. After all, for all the positives in favor of these additions, you still have to worry about making sure they are of the right quality and are properly fitted for your motorcycle.
Still, even if there are some things worth considering, the upsides of getting aftermarket parts far exceed any drawbacks. In fact, not only are they a great option for you at the moment, but they may also be an even better investment later in the future.
Reason #1. Complete Customization
One of the biggest reasons anyone would consider getting aftermarket parts is largely because you can truly customize your bike how you want it to be.
The simple fact is that stock bikes, for as good as they are, are greatly lacking in terms of features outside of the standard setup. Things like a free-flowing exhaust, customized wheels, heated grip handles, or an EFI controller are all simply not available with stock bikes, or available at prohibitively high prices.
By going through aftermarket parts, you can enjoy all of these inclusions at a reasonable price. This alone can be reason enough for a great deal of people.
Reason #2. Insurance Coverage
Probably one of the biggest things to hit in the past few years, many insurance companies have begun including varying levels of coverage for certain aftermarket parts. This is huge, as it ensures that there is some level of protection offered in case you get into an accident. Considering aftermarket parts can have varying degrees of warranty coverage, the fact that companies like GEICO are offering protection coverage can easily assuage the fear of many new bike owners that otherwise would have been interested.
Reason #3. Increased Value
Lastly, with more and more motorcyclists having an interest in outfitting their motorcycles with aftermarket parts, this has begun to show real dividends in the secondary market. While dealerships have always been resistant to acknowledging these additions when negotiating their purchase, the same isn’t true for sales made from person to person or on the open market. Many of those same dealers that were unwilling to factor your additions in their buy price have no problem listing them off as reasons for their later increased sale price.
To learn more about different aftermarket parts, as well as see what may work best for your motorcycle, visit bigbikeparts.com.